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WSI Digital Strategy Training Materials and Resources

On this page you will find a comprehensive list of the training session decks, videos, resources and tools that we covered during our training sessions. These are all available for download.


The content has been broken into the following 3 sections:

1. Training Session Decks
2. WSI Digital Resources
3. Tools
1. Training Session Decks
All of the presentation decks presented in the training programme are linked below.  Each session was recorded and all of the videos can be accessed via GOTO Stage.
We have provided all of the workshop decks in PPT Format but please note that some slides do contain confidential client information and we would ask you to consider this before sharing = Thanks!

Session one is around positioning, why consulting is a differentiator for ICs and how to get a seat at the strategy table.

Session two covers the Questionnaire, the kick off project and building the buyer persona. 

Session three dives deep into the research and analysis, what tools we use to analyse a business and all the different areas of review such as website, search demand, social exposure and more!  We  extract key findings from the data.

During the final session we build the strategy and walk through how we present the recommendations to the client and position the pilot project.

We recorded a special Q & A Session to answer all the great questions from ICs that we didn’t get to to in the scheduled sessions

2. WSI Digital Resources
All of the the material presented and reviewed in the training decks can be found here.  These resources are also linked in the training decks where appropriate.

These materials are being shared for your reference, but do contain proprietary client information and therefore should not be shared outside of the network.

This is a marketing page on our website to provide information about our offering.  We use this instead of a brochure.

This is the video that we use on our website to position the Digital Discovery Project.

In-housing of marketing operations is no longer a passing trend for brands, as well-known names across sectors continue to bring digital marketing efforts inside the four walls of their companies.

We typically don’t “do a proposal” to sell this program but we have found Proposify useful to get confirmation once we receive a verbal commitment.

This is an example of a telemarketing campaign where we sold a digital discovery programme.  This was a change for us as we are normally reacting to inbound rather than outreach.

This is a campaign that we successfully used for our agency.  We were capitalizing on increased demand from businesses to explore marketing plans and strategies for the New Year.

We use the IBA questions as a starting point but built these out under 6 different headings.  We always tailor the questions so they speak to your client’s challenges.  Here is a sample of what the client version of the questionnaire look like.

We like to keep b-roll video of client meetings and other events that can help with our marketing – Here is an example of us conducting the persona build at our Dublin office.

This is an example of a Persona Build at the client site for our client National Truck Rental.

This is the Miro board format that we use for the virtual Persona Build.

To access the template, login with the following credentials:

Click into the “WSI THO Training – Persona Building” board. You can then select on the grouped template board and copy and paste it over to your own new account.
*As mentioned, this is a free product. Please register for your own version and do not edit right in the template board.

This is what the completed Persona Build Looks like in the Xtensio tool

Sample webscan (Digital edition)

This is a guide for ICs on the steps to follow to record a LinkedIn assessment for a client

Full LinkedIn assessment video reviewing a client’s page, walking through the key assessment points for LinkedIn.

3. Tools
Any of the tools that were shown throughout the training are linked below with some details on how to access them.

Miro is the tool we use to build the persona in a virtual setting over GOTO meeting. 

This is the tool we use to draw up the “pretty” output of the persona.

We use this for our Keyword research and in particular pay attention to the seasonal element.

The one and only GA…

We love this tool.  Once this script is on the client’s website we can then set everything else up through this dashboard.

Also known as Webscan to help identify any “quick wins” for the client.

We use SEM Rush to evaluate the performance of the client’s digital assets in getting their share of relevant traffic and to report back on competitor activity.

We are new to Proposify, but we think it definitely pays a role in the contract stage.  We built out a template for the discovery project which we like.

Primarily we use the heat mapping tool based on click activity for the discovery project, however there are more capabilities that you may find interesting for your clients.  They have a 30 day trial.  Another product to consider is Hotjar.  This is essential if you do any CRO work.

We use the Wordstream platform to help manage our PPC accounts.  For the discovery projects, we use their Ad Grader Report which does a nice job of identifying optimization issues.

This is a workflow tool similar to Visio but this one is free.  Great to mapping out workflow for client (e.g. Marketing automation). You can work online, or download the desktop app.

We tend to use this test rather than the one provided in the Silktide snapshot report as it provides more suggestions to optimize.

We really like this product for virtual meetings (over Zoom, Microsoft teams etc…).  In particular, the recording and transcript function is really great and makes it easy to search the video for keywords.

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